Why Abscesses Occur in IDUs? ( IDU- Injecting Drug User )
Abscesses are caused by germs, such as bacteria and foreign substances entering the body through needles piercing the skin and contaminating the injection site. An area of tissue becomes infected and initially looks like a hard boil. If ignored, white blood cells move into the infected area and collect within the damaged tissue and pus forms. If further ignored, the infected area could increase and break/ breach the skin leading to formation of an ulcer. If overlooked, the site could become infested with maggots after which gangrene could set in. This could result in amputation of the limb or infected part. In IDUs, abscesses occur because of a number of factors – from the drugs being injected to the unsafe injecting practices followed by the IDU. Finally, the physical status of the IDU may play a role in the formation of abscesses.
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